Results of the Electrolysis Percutaneous Intratissue in the shoulder pain: infraspinatus, A Randomized Controlled Trial

Alireza Kazemi, María Dolores R-Moreno

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Background: The Electrolysis Percutaneous Intratissue (EPI®) is a novel technique that provokes a local inflammatory process, allowing the phagocytises and affected tissue to repair.
Objectives: The work is aimed to: a) verify the effectiveness of the EPI® when there is shoulder pain, b) locate where the EPI® should be applied, c) and find the possible interaction between the trigger points and the tendon pain.
Design: Randomized controlled trial.
Setting: Institute of Physiotherapy and Sports.
Method: A double randomized experimental longitudinal study was conducted on four groups of 10 people aged 34-47 years with pain in the shoulder. In the first study there were three intervention groups and a control group. In the second study, the group with the best results in the first study served as a control group.
Measurements: The variables measured were the perceived pain and the restriction for abduction, internal and external rotation.
Results: Although the three intervention groups improved respect to the control group when the EPI® was applied, the results show that the EPI® is more effective when it is applied in all detected trigger points and to tendon pain.
Conclusions: The EPI® is more effective if applied in the infraspinatus muscle and the tendon than applied only to one of the two structures, when both structures have pain.
Limitations: The study could have tested the involvement of different structures and its related biomechanical implications. It could have also considered more variables. 

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