Exacerbation of carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to complex regional pain syndrome
complex regional pain syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, cellulitis.Abstract
Introduction: Complex regional pain syndrome is characterized by hyperalgesia, spontaneous or induced pain, and sensory, trophic, and motor alterations. It generates severe functional limitation and it is sometimes associated with the onset or exacerbation of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Objective: To characterize the relationship between carpal tunnel syndrome and complex regional pain syndrome.
Case report: We report the case of a 54-year-old female patient with a history of carpal tunnel syndrome in the right upper limb. This was exacerbated by the appearance of a complex regional pain syndrome secondary to cellulitis.
Conclusions: The onset and acute exacerbation of carpal tunnel syndrome should be considered complications of complex regional pain syndrome to manage and reduce functional sequelae.
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