Proposed introduction of the SBAR method in rehabilitation



SBAR, communication, fetal distress, obstetrics, safety attitudes.


This project aims to implement within the Rehabilitation Operative Unit of the Ausl of Bologna the standardised SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) method for the transfer of information between physiotherapists, in order to improve the safety of the care pathway. This project, promoted by the DATeR Direction of the Ausl of Bologna (Technical and Rehabilitation Assistance Direction), is characterised by the insertion of the SBAR form within some of the company's care units.

Professional physiotherapists from some of the Care Units under the Rehabilitation Operational Unit were involved. The rehabilitation SBAR card was introduced in the Care Units involved in the following 6 months. The implementation phase was characterised both by the use of the tool and by periodic peer-to-peer meetings which animated discussions and comparisons on the specific contents concerning the card. Monthly sample checks were carried out on some completed SBAR forms to monitor their correct filling in.

Finally, the opinion of all the physiotherapists of the 4 Care Units was surveyed through the administration of a semi-structured questionnaire.

The SBAR rehabilitation form was therefore officially implemented from January 2020 in the 4 Care Units involved in the project. A further improvement project is planned to implement the use of the rehabilitation SBAR card in the entire Rehabilitation Unit.


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite

Tedeschi R, Betti F. Proposed introduction of the SBAR method in rehabilitation. Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatologí­a [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];37(3). Available from:



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