Chronic osteomyelitis treated surgically with HAP-200® porous hydroxyapatite
chronic osteomyelitis; Cierny-Mader classification system; cavity filling; porous hydroxyapatite HAP-200®.Abstract
Introduction: Forteen years ago, this group of researchers published the effects of surgical treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. They are currently presenting the results of the follow-up of the patients treated at that time.
Objectives: To report the evolution and current clinical status of the patients implanted with HAP-200® porous hydroxyapatite 14 years ago.
Case report: In 2024, the clinical and radiological status of four of the six patients who underwent surgical treatment with filling in the osteomyelitic cavity with HAP-200® porous hydroxyapatite was evaluated retrospectively, according to the methodology of the Cierny-Mader classification system. Out of the six patients, two had recurrences during the first year of follow-up and one of them requested amputation of the leg. The rest, to date, have not reported problems related to the disease.
Conclusions: Cavity filling in chronic osteomyelitis with porous hydroxyapatite HAP-200® is considered an alternative surgical method for the orthopedic surgeon.
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