Chronic osteomyelitis treated surgically with HAP-200® porous hydroxyapatite



chronic osteomyelitis; Cierny-Mader classification system; cavity filling; porous hydroxyapatite HAP-200®.


Introduction: Forteen years ago, this group of researchers published the effects of surgical treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. They are currently presenting the results of the follow-up of the patients treated at that time.

Objectives: To report the evolution and current clinical status of the patients implanted with HAP-200® porous hydroxyapatite 14 years ago.

Case report: In 2024, the clinical and radiological status of four of the six patients who underwent surgical treatment with filling in the osteomyelitic cavity with HAP-200® porous hydroxyapatite was evaluated retrospectively, according to the methodology of the Cierny-Mader classification system. Out of the six patients, two had recurrences during the first year of follow-up and one of them requested amputation of the leg. The rest, to date, have not reported problems related to the disease.

Conclusions: Cavity filling in chronic osteomyelitis with porous hydroxyapatite HAP-200® is considered an alternative surgical method for the orthopedic surgeon.


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Author Biography

Enrique Armando Pancorbo Sandoval, Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de Matanzas Hospital Militar Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas

Jefe Servicio de Ortopedia Hospital Militar, Presidente Capítulo de Matanzas. Vicetesorero de la Junta Nacional de Ortopedia de Cuba.


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How to Cite

Pancorbo Sandoval EA, Hernández Valera D, Delgado Quiñones A, Díaz Prieto G, Quesada Pérez JA, Cruz Alard RE, et al. Chronic osteomyelitis treated surgically with HAP-200® porous hydroxyapatite. Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatologí­a [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];39. Available from:



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