Use of WALANT Technique in Hand Surgeries
WALANT technique, hand surgery, ischemia.Abstract
Introduction: Currently, the use of local anaesthetic with no tourniquet and wide awake patient (Wide Awake Local Anaesthetic No Tourniquet - WALANT) has gained popularity in surgeries of the hand and wrist.
Objective: To report our experience in the use of WALANT technique in order to discard the use of tourniquet in hand surgeries.
Methods: In November 2020, thirty patients underwent surgery due to different orthopaedic conditions, among them trigger fingers, carpal tunnel syndrome, stenosing tenovaginitis of the thumb, carpal ganglion and amputation of the third radius due to post trauma stiffness, among others. In order to assess this technique, we considered surgical time, volume of bleeding, pain during anesthetic infiltration, intervention and the need for additional anesthetic during the first 24 hours after surgery; we considered also ischemia, complications and level patient´s satisfaction.
Results: This technique had similar results to others; however, the bleeding is mild, there is no need for ischemia, the surgical time is lesser and the anesthetic effect lasted 10 to 12 hours in all patients. None of them required additional anesthetic. All subjects felt the initial infiltration but none complained of pain during the rest of the anesthetic injection or during the surgical act. There were no complications.
Conclusions: The effectiveness of WALANT technique in hand surgeries is shown. The cost of materials for the surgical act is reduced with it, as well as the surgical staff, it is easy to use and unpleasant sensations and dangers of the use of ischemia in patients are reduced.
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