Effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of calcific subacromial bursitis
radiografía digital, ultrasonido, bursitis subacromial calcificada, acupuntura.Abstract
It is presented the case of a female patient of 52 years, white skin, nurse by profession, with a personal pathological history of compensated arterial hypertension and regular treatment. She showed pain in the right shoulder and was referred to the Natural and Traditional Medicine clinic of the "Lucía Íñiguez Landín" Clinical Surgical Hospital. For two years she had been diagnosed with calcific subacromial bursitis and had received several treatments, but without obtaining improvement. The diagnosis was confirmed by digital radiography and ultrasound. Acupuncture treatment reduced the size of calcifications and alleviated symptoms. The novelty of the case lies in the relevance of the use of acupuncture in the treatment of this pathology.
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