Primary Acetabular Revision: Incidence and Mechanisms of Bone Graft Use



primary acetabular revision, cemented and uncemented, bone graft.


Introduction: Primary acetabular replacement can become a highly complex intervention depending on the existing bone defect. Lesions can be segmental, cavitary, or combined. This last pattern is the one most frequently observed in periprosthetic bone loss due to aseptic loosening.

Objectives: To show the evolution of replacement surgery in hip arthroplasty, and to guide the surgeon in making individualized decisions, to avoid complications.

Method: A research was carried out on the study topic, by reviewing specialty textbooks, scientific articles published in different databases such as Pubmed/ MEDLINE, SciELO, BVS, Scopus, Ebsco, Google Scholar, Cochrane, as well as other inquiries in medical libraries.

Information analysis: Reconstruction planning priorities are established to provide a stable implant, restore bone mass, and optimize hip biomechanics, although it is the intraoperative findings that will definitely indicate the type of intervention to follow. The functional demands of the patients and the comorbidities must be considered, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the planned reconstruction.

Conclusions: Total hip arthroplasty has been shown to significantly improve the quality of life in patients, with low rate of complications. To prevent aseptic loosening, it is necessary to be careful in the technique of placement of the prosthetic components and to use the type of material most appropriate to the age, functional demand and bone reserve of each patient.


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Author Biography

Fermín Osvaldo López Hernández, Complejo Científico Ortopédico Internacional “Frank País”. La Habana.

Especialista de IIG en Ortopedia y Traumatología. Miembro Titular de la Sociedad Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología.


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How to Cite

López Hernández FO. Primary Acetabular Revision: Incidence and Mechanisms of Bone Graft Use. Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatologí­a [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];35(2). Available from:



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