Use of Bone Auto and Allograft, Rings and Cells in Primary Acetabular Revision



primary acetabular revision, bone autograft, bone allograft, rings, cells.


Introduction: Currently there are tissue banks to meet the demand for bone grafting in orthopedic surgery. Although it is preferable to use the patient's own bone, in many cases this is not possible. The idea is to achieve a coverage in the defect bed that allows a mechanical stability of the implants, thus, prevent their early failure, and contribute to the formation of bone storage.

Objectives: To show the evolution of replacement surgery in hip arthroplasty and to highlight the usefulness of auto and bone allograft in the reconstruction of acetabular bone defect.

Methods: A review based on the study topic was carried out that included specialty textbooks, scientific articles published in Pubmed / MEDLINE, SciELO, BVS, Scopus, Ebsco, Google Scholar, Cochrane databases, as well as other consultations in medical libraries.

Information analysis and synthesis: Priorities in reconstruction planning were established to provide a stable implant, restore bone mass, and optimize hip biomechanics, although it is the intraoperative findings that will definitely indicate the type of intervention to follow. The functional demands of the patients and the comorbidities must be considered, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the planned reconstruction.

Conclusions: Reconstruction cells should be reserved for those circumstances in which massive acetabular deficiency with severe segmental defects requires the use of large structural grafts, leaving a neoacetabulum with less than 50% of the host bone surface. Priorities in reconstruction planning are to provide a stable implant, restore bone mass, and optimize hip biomechanics.


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Author Biography

Fermín Osvaldo López Hernández., Complejo Científico Ortopédico Internacional “Frank País”, La Habana.

Profesor especialista en cirugía de cadera


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How to Cite

López Hernández. FO. Use of Bone Auto and Allograft, Rings and Cells in Primary Acetabular Revision. Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatologí­a [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];35(3). Available from:



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