Evolution of Long Bone Osteosynthesis and Flexible Intramedullary Nail Fixation
flexible pins, rigid nails, functional reduction, channel milling, bolt.Abstract
Introduction: This article discuses the historical and scientific evolution of long bone osteosynthesis performed with two types of intramedullary implants, flexible pins or rods and rigid nails.
Objective: To publish a scientific article that serves as theoretical and practical support for staff in training and, as a point of reference and consultation for orthopedists and traumatologists.
Methods: A retrospective bibliographic review of articles is carried out on limb fractures published in local and foreign trauma journals indexed in the MEDLINE databases and certified by CITMA, as well as relevant books on this topic and experiences of the authors. Given the differences between the two types of implants, we separately studied the osteosynthesis with flexible pins (Rush) from that performed with rigid pins (Küntscher). The variables selected for the study were reduction, access route, implant penetration, stability, locking, metal used, and consolidation. The inclusion of technological innovations to surgical practice was framed in three generational moments from 1939 to the present.
Conclusions: Thow types of intramedullary implants were identifies from this revision: flexible pins and rigid nails. The study of their characteristics allowed to organize them into generations in order to locate their contribution to the knowledge allowing the patient to return to an active life over time.
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