Predisposing Factors Associated With Hip Fracture in the Northwest Region of Villa Clara Province
hip fracture, predisposing factors, association.Abstract
Introduction: Hip fracture is the most common cause of hospitalization in orthopedic emergency services.
Objective: To describe the predisposing factors associated with hip fracture in the northwestern region of the province of Villa Clara.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out from November 2017 to December 2019, in the northwestern region of Villa Clara province. A total of 227 patients participated; they were admitted to Mártires del 9 de abril General University Hospital, in Sagua la Grande municipality, and were treated in the Orthopedics and Traumatology service for hip fracture. Non-probabilistic sampling and the research criteria were taken into account for the selection.
Results: According to age groups, the ages between 80-89 years prevailed in both sexes (42.7%), with higher frequency among women (45.3%) compared to men (36.4%).
Conclusions: The "fall from their feet" turned out to be the predominant factor associated with hip fracture in the northwest region of Villa Clara province, where the female sex predominated. This suggests the need to develop social communication campaigns for the population, aimed at the prevention of hip fracture with a gender approach.
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