Advantages of modified Ghali technique for the treatment of congenital metatarsus varus



congenital foot deformities, orthopedic procedures, varus matatarsus, child.


Introduction: Metatarsus varus is the internal deviation of the metatarsals with reference to the axial axis of the calcaneus. It is referred to as the most common deformity in children.

Objective: To assess the advantages of the modified Ghali technique in the treatment of congenital metatarsus varus.

Methods: Ghali technique was modified in the minimally invasive incision to reduce surgical time, saving on consumables in the room and hospital stay. The section of the abductor hallux muscle and the metatarsal-cuneal capsulotomy were included, helping immobilization in maximum abduction to accelerate the remodeling of the internal part of the articular surface of the first cuneiform. Immobilization was maintained for only six weeks because it incorporates quickly the patient into the subject’s daily life.

Results: Ghali's technique was reviewed to assess the advantages of the modification in its four aspects. In the operated patients, the aesthetic appearance of the foot, the quality of gait, complications and parental satisfaction were evaluated.

Conclusions: This technique is simple and, like a surgical procedure, less invasive on soft tissues. Reduces surgical time, complications and hospital stay. In addition, it saves expendable material and anesthetic.


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Author Biography

Mario Osvaldo Gutierrez Blanco, Hospital Universitario “Manuel Ascunce Domenech”. Camagüey

Jefe cátedra


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Rodríguez EI, Gutierrez Blanco MO. Advantages of modified Ghali technique for the treatment of congenital metatarsus varus. Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatologí­a [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];38. Available from:



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