Diagnosis and current treatment of congenital metatarsus varus
congenital metatarsus varus, conservative treatment, surgical treatment, diagnosis.Abstract
Introduction: Metatarsus varus is a common deformity in children, worldwide.
Objective: To update information on the diagnosis and treatment of congenital metatarsus varus.
Methods: A bibliographic search was carried out in PubMed, LILACS, SciELO and Medigraphic. The terms used were congenital metatarsus varus, conservative treatment, surgical treatment and diagnosis. Using EndNote search manager and reference manager, fifty articles from the last five years were selected and five books were included.
Conclusions: Congenital metatarsus varus constitutes a deformity of unknown etiology. For its diagnosis, the clinical, static, dynamic and imaging methods are used. Conservative or surgical treatment is applied.
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