Functional gain in nonagenarian patients after hip fracture surgery
frail elderly, hip fracture, rehabilitation.Abstract
Introduction: Guidelines point out the importance of rehabilitation after hip fracture surgery to achieve functional recovery of patients, reduce length of stay, avoid medical complications and living in homes.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation in nonagenarian patients after hip fracture surgery.
Methods: Retrospective observational study, single cohort, conducted in patients over 90 years of age, admitted to a functional recovery unit after hip fracture surgery. The variables studied were age, sex, cognitive impairment, comorbidities, functional assessment, gait capacity, functional gain, length of stay and discharge destination. The R Ver. 3.5.1 program was used for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at p < 0.05.
Results: The sample was formed by 142 patients, with a mean age of 92.80. 78.2 % were women. High comorbidity and a severe degree of dependency were determined at admission. Functional outcomes showed Barthel index at discharge of 55 patients, functional gain of 20 and efficiency of 0.61. 71.8 % of patients returned home.
Conclusions: After hip fracture surgery nonagenarian patients with high comorbidity benefit from admission to functional recovery units. Rehabilitation treatment is effective and efficient, improves global functionality, quality of life, facilitates reintegration into the environment and reduces the possibility of living in an elderly home.
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